Should you need to carry out any procedures involving the modification of personal details, meter readings, direct debit, billing requests, information about power cuts or enquiries about payment periods, access one of these options on our Virtual Office:
- Change or modify direct debit payments
- Take a reading
- Connecting to the water supply
- Change personal details (i.e. contract-holder name)
- Request an invoice
- Change address to which mail is sent
- Information about billing periods
- Information about scheduled water cuts
Should you wish to carry out any other procedures to manage your service, click on the contact at the sales office in your sector:
- Sector Motril (Motril, Torrenueva, Carchuna-Calahonda, Castell, Lújar)
- Sector Almuñécar (Almuñécar, La Herradura, Jete, Otívar, Lentegí)
- Sector Salobreña (Salobreña, Itrabo, Molvízar)
- Sector Contraviesa (Albuñol, Sorvilán, Polopos, La Mamola, Albondón, Rubite, Alta Contraviesa)
For any other enquiries, click on the following link and fill in your details into the Firm´s online contact form: Enquiries »