Aguas y Servicios has several projects foreseen for further improving the services we provide. The most significant of these are:
Invoicing via an e-billing service
This year Aguas y Servicios has started to send electronic bills to clients who want the service. This new way of billing allows customers to receive their bill in a way that is easier and better for the environment than traditional mail, because the bill is sent privately and instantaneously.
Telephone Customer Support Service
Aguas y Servicios is also implementing a new telephone customer support service.
The aim of this new initiative is to expand the hours that the direct customer services are open to the public, while also providing a high level of quality to users of the service.
This service will allow the following actions to be dealt with on the telephone: queries, information about incidents in the service, the hours that personalized customer attention are available, our procedures and requirements, progress in the contraction process, etc.
It will also allow administrative tasks to be carried out, such as starting, canceling, or modifying service contracts, direct debit mandates, changes in ownership, requests for connection and/or disconnection of the water supply, information about inspections carried out, water-meter readings, and complaints.
The user can also call to advise us about faults in the service, lack of pressure, water loss in the network, water meter malfunctions and breakages, and problems with sanitation on public highways.
Installation of electronic water meters
Aguas y Servicios has already started this ambitious project, which requires renovating all of the existing mechanical water meters for their electronic equivalents.
This new type of meter allows the reading to be taken automatically, through a direct download via radio waves or a mobile device.
The counter also allows many other data types, useful for management purposes, to be collected when making the reading. For example, it can detect when there is a leak and log this information.
Another very important use is that the client themselves can access this information via a webpage which is personalized for every user. This portal contains information about historical meter readings, the current meter reading, etc. Before the end of this year we will start to offer this portal service for large-scale consumers who want it.